Potassium magnesium titanate

Professional manufacturer of potassium titanate, sodium titanate, and potassium titanate whiskers

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The properties of potassium titanate

2022-07-20 13:52:42

The properties of potassium titanate

Potassium titanate can be represented by K20. nTioz, where is represented by 1, 2, 4, 6, 8. At n-2 and 4, it has a layered structure; At n-6 and 8 o'clock, it is a tunnel structure. Potassium hexatitanate is a white or pale yellow needle shaped crystal. Relative density 3.3; Melting point 1370. The fiber diameter ranges from 0.1 to 1.5 μ m, and the fiber length ranges from IO to 10 μ m. Potassium hexatitanate is a tunnel like structure formed by the linkage of TiOs octahedra through coplanarity and collinearity. It is precisely because of this tunnel like structure that certain special properties of potassium hexatitanate are determined. The thermal conductivity of potassium titanate whiskers is relatively low at 0 0894W/(m-K) (35 ℃), 0.017W/(m.K) (800 ℃), and has a negative temperature coefficient (the higher the temperature, the lower the thermal conductivity). It has excellent insulation, high infrared reflectivity, wear resistance, and stable chemical properties, and is non-toxic and harmless, making it an ideal substitute for asbestos. Asbestos fiber friction materials undergo aging (ashing) at 190 ℃, while friction materials using potassium hexatitanate whiskers do not show aging at 350 ℃.


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